Tech Tuesday: Windows 8.1, Part 4 – Frequently Used Applications

Each Tuesday, pleasureinlearning brings you Tech Tuesday.  Come back each week for more ways to become efficient and effective in your use of technology. 


This is the fourth part of a series on Windows 8.1.  You’ve got to make the transition sometime!  Learning Windows 8.1 might as well be pleasurable.

Last week you got a jump start on finding the applications you want to use.  When you find an application you want to use, you should definitely put it where you can find it again easily.  I like to pin my applications to the taskbar (the bar at the bottom of the desktop) or the start screen (that new funky replacement for the start menu).

Follow the directions from last week to search for your application. Then, before you click on it, RIGHT click and choose Pin to Taskbar or Pin to Start.

By the way, have you tried rearranging your start screen yet?  Just pick things up and drag them around.  Right click on them for other options such as removal.

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